Greenstyle Pace Skirt – and Fit Capsule round up!


I have been eyeing up the Pace Skirt from Greenstyle Creations for a LONG time, and when I got my hands on this Caribbean Athletic Brushed Poly (ABP) and Kirby Athletic Poly Spandex from Amelia Lane Designs, I knew that this needed to happen! Kirby was perfect for my waistband outer and the optional shorts that go under the skirt, and I really love the weight of the ABP for the skirt portion.


I also decided that I needed a new top to pair with it, so went with the XPress Tank (also from Greenstyle). I used the Leilani Dancewear from ALD, it’s got just the right amount of drape for the tie-back option! You can also see one of my many Power Sports Bras, using athletic brushed poly, in this picture.


The Pace Skirt does call for stretch woven rather than an athletic knit, but I decided to give this a whirl anyway! I pressed the pleats a bit extra to be safe, and will have to see how they hold up after a wash cycle when the weather gets a bit warmer. I might end up tacking the pleats down on the inside to help hold the form a bit.


I also included the optional pocket for the undershorts. In a pinch, my phone jams in a bit, but I might look into mashing the larger pocket from the Super Gs or updated Strides with these shorts. It will definitely hold a card and/or small key for when my sister and I stop for coffee after a run, though!

I was pretty impressed by how quickly the skirt came together. I used actual pins (instead of my Wonderclips!) to help construct the pleats, which I think helped a lot.

I love these pieces together as a workout outfit option, but they do fit together really well with my Fit Capsule. I fell way behind with my Fit Capsule sewing for Greenstyle, and just recently finished up the last few pieces I had originally planned for it!

I shared the first part on the Greenstyle Blog, where you can find a tutorial on doing a criss-cross back hack to the Lille Tank. I paired the tank with some Inspires capris and a Power Sports Bra, so it technically qualified for the Fit Capsule challenge!

This set used athletic brushed poly from Amelia Lane Designs and Love Adore Co, as well as my weights swim from Sew Fit Fabrics.


This is my full collage of what was finished around the end of the Fit Capsule challenge.
Top row: two slightly modified Lille tanks and an XPress tank (previously made at the end of last summer)
Middle row: two pairs of full length Strides (made slightly before the challenge) and Inspires capris
Bottom row: Green tee, two Power Sports Bras, and two headbands using the tutorial from I’ll Show You Mine (my sister nabbed the gray one for herself already!)


I also had a few additional pieces cut out that weren’t sewn up by the end- two more Power Sports Bras, and two more pairs of Inspires capris! (I somehow didn’t get a picture of my second pair – it uses the same fabric combination as this bottom right Power Sports Bra and has criss-cross cuffs!)

I really love how my two newest pieces fit in with the rest – check out the Leilani tank with those Inspires, and any of the other tops would look super cute with my Pace Skirt.


(Note: this post contains some affiliate links which helps keep my blog going!)

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